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Welcome to QuartetWeb




The Penderecki String Quartet playing the end of Norbert Palej’s De profundis, in its world premiere on June 3, 2011, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (produced by Synn Studios, with assistance from the Canada Council for the Arts)

This website is an international professional resource devoted to string quartet performers and compositions of the last hundred years or so and to connections between them. At its core is a database, although it presents much more.

Among other things, the database lists quartet groups, including who their members have been, and links them to compositions by first performances, recordings, and other information. It includes references and a bibliography, as well as photos, video, and audio, although its basis remains text.

Overall, it is intended to be an Internet community for string quartet information and lore. Because the subject is large and growing, the site is a continual work in progress, with material being added frequently.

Please read How to use this site before using it. Because the site is also intended to be a collaborative venture, please write us if you’re interested in being part of it or have suggestions for it.

This website is created in memory of Nicolas Slonimsky